
342 products

    342 products
     At an airport, a driver holds up a Rorshach ink blot, and a bearded therapist responds.
    Rorschach Mug
    A couple who have just been married, walk through a door with confetti being thrown at them, into a therapist's office.
    Honeymoon Therapy Mug
     "The thing is, you have to really want to change."
    You Have Really Want to Change Mug
     (Pumpkin psychiatrist treats a witch who is lying on a couch.)
    Pumpkin Psychiatrist Mug
     "I sense fear." (Dog psychiatrist talking to man on couch.)
    I Sense Fear Mug
     (Man's dream begins like a movie with a list of the cast: "Monster..Your Father, Kind Woman..,.Your Mother/ Policeman..Your Analyst/ First Stranger...Your Brother/ Second Stranger...Your Sister/ Little Boy...You")
    Cast of Dream Mug
     Mob Psychologist: "So, while extortion, racketeering, and murder may be bad acts, they don't make you a bad person." (Psychologist to mobster in therapy session.)
    Mob Psychologist Mug
     "Don't you think we should wait to see the effects of the new tax code?"
    Tax Code Proposal Mug
     I don't want to brag, but I have a loophole named after me.'
    Loophole Named After Me Mug
    Of course I have my soft side. I carry photos of my loved ones in my wallet. This one is of my accountant.
    Photos of My Loved Ones Mug
     A man with a giant sweepstakes check for a billion dollars is followed by a man with a giant 1040 form.
    Grand Prize Winner Mug
     Title: "Rhinestone Accountant"
    Rhinestone Accountant Mug
     "What should you do? Here's what you should do: invent a time machine, go back sixteen months, and convert everything to cash." (An economic consultant at his desk addresses a couple in his office. )
    Invent a Time Machine Mug
     "Does anyone know C.P.A.?" (One pedestrian to others about man lying on sidewalk covered by pieces of paper.)
    Does anyone know C.P.A.? Mug
     "Daddy doesn't know any magic tricks. Daddy knows accounting tricks." (Father talking to son dressed in a magician's costume.)
    Daddy Knows Accounting Tricks Mug
     "I'm a Schedule D kind of guy with a little Schedule E thrown in." (Man to woman in restaurant.)
    Schedule D Kind of Guy Mug
     Dave And His Common-Law Accountant, Phil (Man in apartment with accountant.)
    Common-Law Accountant Mug
     Tax Man Deducts A Witch's Broom As A Travel Expense
    Witch's Travel Expense Mug
     Figures can be misleading - So I've written a song which I think expresses the real story of the firms performance this quarter.'
    Story in a Song Mug
    The Iron Accountant Mug
     "Now is the part of the show when we ask the audience to shout out some random numbers." ("Accounting night at the Improv". Several accountants stand on stage ready to play improvisational number games.)
    Accounting Night at the Improv Mug
    You have to declare what you rob from the rich, but you can deduct what you give to the poor._x000D_(Tax account to Robin Hood.)
    Robin Hood's Accountant Mug
     "There's no business deductions like show business deductions." (Hollywood business executives plan for filing their taxes.)
    Show Business Deductions Mug
     Taxes' "Miss Billings, would you please take between twenty-five and fifty percent of that money over there and throw it out the window." (Boss to secretary pointing to pile of money in corner.)
    Taxes! Mug
     "You know, the idea of taxation with representation doesn't appeal to me very much, either." (One early American to another.  Setting is colonial.)
    Taxation with Representation Mug
     (The Grim Reaper and a man from the IRS are poised for a foot race; Uncle Sam holds the starting gun.)
    Death vs Taxes Mug
     "It's the old story. I was in the middle of a successful acting career when I was bitten by the accounting bug." (Accountant sitting at his desk, talking to a woman seated beside him.)
    Bitten by the Accounting Bug Mug
    Alternative Dickens  Scrooge Is Audited.  Auditor: "As you have no receipt for the turkey allegedly sent to a Mr. Cratchit of Camden Town, I shall disallow it." Scrooge (thinking to himself): "Bah, humbug all over again."
    Scrooge Is Audited Mug
     (A bird, in a suit, notices charts which compare 'hour of rising,' with 'worm acquisition.' Refers to the saying, "The early bird catches the worm.")
    The Early Bird Mug
    We are neither hunters nor gatherers. We are accountants. (Caveman, talking to a club-wielding caveman,  refers to other cavemen who are counting on their fingers and toes, and making scratch marks on rock behind them.)
    We Are Neither Hunters Nor Gatherers Mug
     Dog using MP3 player scowls at dog that's still listening to gramophone player.
    Master's Voice Mug
    Let's try it again.  This time with a tad less mania. (Man playing fetch with his panting dog.)
    A Tad Less Mania Mug
     "Yes, yes, yes, I miss you, too, honey. Now put the dog on." (Businessman sitting on a bed in hotel room talking on the phone.)
    I Miss You, too, Honey Mug
     "On the plus side, you've cured my back pain." (Dog with quills stuck in his nose talking to a porcupine.)
    You've Cured my Backpain Mug
     "I guess cats just can't appreciate Frank Gehry." (Cat laughs at a dog sitting in a dog house designed by Frank Gehry.)
    Cats Can't Appreciate Frank Gehry Mug
     "My advice is to learn all the tricks you can while you're young." (Older dog gives advice to a younger dog.)
    Learn All the Tricks You Can While You're Young Mug
     (A dog is looking at a series of greeting cards under the Birthday category and they are all sectioned off in dog years, ie: 7 years, 14 years, 21 years, etc.)
    Dog Birthday Cards Mug
    Then he suggested we go to a leash optional beach.
    Leash Optional Beach Mug
    Quiz for dogs.
    Quiz for Dogs Mug
     "Sheer will, I tell youÑsheer will." (Dog and cat sitting on a tree limb.)
    Sheer Will, I Tell You Mug
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